July 12, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk, Ben, John Iadarola, and Alona hosting today.  Koch Bros ad that tells Americans that if they make 34K a year, they are in the top 1% of top earners…in the world.  After student loan rates doubled due to a lack of planning from Congress, Peter Morici and Tucker Carlson claimed that people will have more incentive to work if the student loan rates are higher.  Edward Snowden wrote an email to Russian officials to have a meeting with them at the transit zone at the airport.  Excerpts from his letter.  He is hoping to get asylum in Russia until he can transfer into Venezuela.  Ben talks about why Snowden should be pursued by the American government.


Ted Nugent spoke about his feral hog shooting and compared it to being able to do the same in South Central, Los Angeles.  Video of an Irish PM pulling a female colleague onto his lap and holding her there.  The Running of the Bulls this year resulted in a few people being badly injured by the animals.  Cenk tells the story of when he and friends did the running of the bulls.  Some Senators are considering reinstalling Glass-Steagall.


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