Video of Tom Brokaw talking about the Islamic rage that still exists against America, sometimes due to our presumptuous and violent actions overseas. Chuck Grassley connected the Boston bombings to the immigration debate last Friday, prompting Chuck Schumer to warn against trying to use the tragedy to delay the immigration bill. When called out, Grassley laid into Schumer, making him apologize and backpedal.
Closed circuit cameras caught the bombing suspects in Boston, which sparked the debate on whether or not its good to lose nearly every aspect of our privacy for a bit more safety. Alberto Gonzales spoke on the idea of “keeping America, America” and still keep it safe. Buddhists in Burma, including monks, are brutally clashing with the minority of Muslims there.
“You have the right to remain silent.” …”Oh, right…you have no jaw.”
Maybe that’s why they delayed it?
Cenk Uygur, shame on you for your embarrassingly simple minded and irresponsible reporting about the boston bombers and the attacks against muslims in burma, which you tried to say was just “violence on both sides” and “religiously motivated violence” etc. It’s as if you saw kristal nacht in germany, and saw one example of a jew *possibly* committing violence against a nazi (as reported by nazis) and just threw up your hands and said “look, both sides do it”! I mean, this is bordering on reprehensible because you have a big audience and you are just shrugging off a major pogram which is exactly analogous to krystal nacht. Cenk you need to be ashamed. Maybe even more so for your unwarranted collaboration with islamophobic propaganda when you claim that the boston bombers were motivated by islam, when you have no real knowledge of their actual motivations! What are you doing Cenk?! Shouldn’t you be talking about the people who are being attacked right now for being muslim instead of feeding into this simple minded narrative that islam inspires people to be evil?! Again, this would be analogous to jews getting enraged at the policies of nazi germany, and committing violence, and then you sit there and explain to us that it was done because of judaism! SHAMEFUL and BEYOND IRRESPONSIBLE CENK. I’m close to unsubscribing at this point, I cannot imagine why you are suddenly starting to sound like a low calorie version of frank gaffney.
Just to elaborate on what I said before, I know, and we all know these acts were horrible, and unjustifiable, but you do not know that they happened “because of islam”, you don’t even know that they are because of the particular interpretation of islam that the bombers had. They would seem to be motivated by a recognition that US foreign policy is beyond unjust toward muslims, and perhaps, because of THAT, they used their own view of religion to justify acts which they normally would never have thought of, or perhaps not. We really don’t know, but you just sit there and assert that it’s because of islam, which is exactly the kind of talk that gets people MURDERED Cenk. You know that. I have despaired of ever hearing you utter one true or reasonable word regarding israel and their treatment of palestinians, I know you lack the courage to say (or perhaps you don’t even believe) that ethnic states which base human rights on genes, or ethnicity, or religion, are an ABOMINATION. I know that’s too much to ask of you, Cenk, but at least you could avoid providing ammunition for people who wish to justify the random murder of muslims in this country.
I don’t think he’s feeding into anything, really. It’s not like people who would commit violence against Muslims because of the bombing needed Cenk to motivate them. He didn’t even really make a determination that YES, the bombers DEFINITELY were motivated by Islam… In fact, he talked about what YOU talk about in your post about how they might have been motivated by violence against Muslims, and how the one bomber was quoted as saying something to the effect that bombings like that happen every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was essentially trying to be reasonable about it and present all of the available facts and draw the possible conclusions from them. If that’s going to provide ammunition to somebody who wants to murder Muslims, then there’s something wrong with THOSE people, not Cenk for pointing out the possible truth.
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Thanks for links in intro. Please always include!
I’m slightly depressed 41% of people still think rights aren’t being expended or disregarded enough to keep people safe from terrorism.
No hour 2 tonite?
Could it be that the reason he wasn’t Mirandized for 48 hours be that he was unconscious during much of that period and thus was unable to communicate with the authorities? After all, additional undetonated bombs WERE found in the area and maybe they needed to wait till he awoke and became even somewhat coherent before they could ask him about this, and then read him his rights. Cenk seems to think he was up-and-about at the point of capture.
Also, the reason Cenk and Jayar give for Republicans responding more pro-civil rights than they otherwise would because they hate Obama doesn’t really make much sense because such Republicans would just LOVE for Obama to go soft on a Muslim terrorist suspect so they could say “See, I told you; he’s not keeping the country safe with his soft-on-terrorism stance.” They don’t gain anything politically by having Obama out-Bush Bush in this area. I could certainly see Republicans taking this position had the suspects turned out to be right-wing extremists, but it doesn’t make much sense in this case. Also, the Congressional leaders calling for him to be tried as an enemy combatant are all Republicans. How does that square with their theory?
I don’t agree. I think Republican politicians may be disturbed enough to burn the country down if they could be king of the ashes, (as they have done in the past), but I don’t think average Republican Joe on the street is thinking “let me SAY he’s doing too much so he will lighten up, THEN I can blame him.”
Only a politician might think like that.