April 10, 2013 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by Elderrune15 Comments

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Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin came out with a weak gun control bill that barely has a chance of passing.  Fox had one of the students from the texas college stabbing on and he let them all know he was glad there were no guns.

Obama officially released his budget plan today including cuts to social security.

Rand Paul spoke to students at Howard University today and told them a pack of lies…  the usual. Pat Robertson warned against peace in the middle east because god will be really mad. Joe Barton has proof that climate change isn’t man-made because the great biblical flood didn’t happen as a result of human activity. Republican Californian mayor says climate change ‘absolutely’ a threat.


  1. Guys, on the gun issue, you’re not gonna get anything with any teeth until something really, really tragic happens. Sandy Hook of course was tragic. But it didn’t happend to anyone of those corrupt senators, or their families. You have something happen to those senators protecting the NRA or their families! Oh then, and only then, will they move and actually do their freakin jobs. It wouldn’t even be because of the general public that they move on legislation, but if a small number of people within the plutocracy are scared enough, action will be taken. How quickly they forget that 20 kids died.It’s disgusting!

  2. Obama confirms my every doubt, and I am ever so glad I did not vote for him again. I feel sorry for the dopes that did, as they see now what I knew then. Obama is every bit a weasel as Bush… and worse.

  3. I began to live on Social Security a few months ago and Obama sickens me. I feel scared to death about what he’s going to do to us. Also, remember that women not only live longer, but jobs paid them a lot less and they’re trying to live on a lot less SS. As far as I know, the only jobs we could get would be retail jobs, which is a disgusting fate.

  4. I very much enjoyed seeing Brad Friedman on the show. Agree with bludcodger that this combination of hosts works. Would like to see more in the future.

  5. Great to see Brad Friedman on the show. I, too, would like it very much if these three could co-host when Cenk is not available.

  6. See current Mother Jones chart showing # of guns in US and who owns what. Must show on TYT! [[ NOT submitted before. NOT a duplicate]]]

  7. What I would like to see the pro-gun people called out on is the use of the term “violent crime”. Every time they try to argue against gun regulations they try and tout statistics on “violent crime”, instead of talking about “gun homicide”, which is the real issue we are trying to address here. Different countries classify different things under the umbrella term “violent crime”, (for example in the UK a break and enter is still classed statistically as a violent crime). Violent crime also includes pub brawls, football hooliganism, general assaults, robberies, domestic violence etc etc, all of which have absolutely NOTHING to do with rates of gun homicide. The reason they don’t say “gun homicide” when trying to manipulate statistics from other countries, is that in EVERY case, when the access to guns is reduced, the gun homicide rate also falls. So instead of accepting that FACT, they try and obfuscate the issue by referring to “violent crime” instead……no ask yourself how arming people will affect the rates of pub brawls….if someone is in a drunken pub brawl, introducing a gun is just going to increase the likelyhood of a fatality, not prefent the entire incident.

  8. Jimmy is right. There are very few cases where religion has made makes anyone smarter/insightful. Great show! tonight by all.

  9. Pingback: Thursday, April 11, 2013 « TYT Network

  10. Found this episode very compelling. Chemistry between these particular 3 hosts is impressive…a notable synergy. Maybe consider this in future scheduling when Cenk and Anna aren’t available?

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