Cenk addresses a Twitter user that had concerns with the coverage of the topless jihad. During a fundraiser in CA, Pres Obama called the
Kamala Harris the best looking AG. The crew defends Obama now that he’s receiving backlash over the comments. Magic Johnson talked about his gay son and accepting him for who he is. A Georgia high school still hasn’t had an integrated prom and some students are fighting to raise money to have one. A federal judge ruled that girls under 17 y/o could have access to the Morning After Pill without a prescription.
A school has had a portrait of Jesus up for decades and are now being forced to take it down. Ben would allow them to leave the picture there. A 101 y/o woman revealed her secret to health and long life…its booze. Talk about the unbearable nature of wine tasting. A couple of women are suing the Abbey Nightclub in W. Hollywood after some employees slipped drugs in their drinks and raped them in the parking lot.
Ana, you DO look amazing!
Wine tasting is very popular in Hong Kong. You can take classes to get certified. You can also take wine tasting with oyster opening classes. There are many bars that cater to these wine-tasting people and also there are various wine stores. I agree with Ben on this; if you want to see asses swirl, smell, taste and then pause as they swirl the wine in their mouth like mouthwash and then finally with a wave of their hand to signal it is ok to continue to pour, come to HK.
Kamala Harris… I’m guessing the first name is Indian. Luckily not Finnish, since:
1 (hirveä, karmea) horrible, terrible, horrendous, horrid, appalling, dreadful, hideous, ghastly
Se oli kamala tapaus. It was a horrible affair. Hän kirkaisi kamalalla äänellä. She screamed in a terrible voice. Poliisi sanoi, että hyökkäys oli kamalin, jonka hän oli koskaan nähnyt. The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen. Vangit elivät kamalissa oloissa. The prisoners were living in appalling conditions. Oletteko jo kuulleet kamalat uutiset? Have you heard the dreadful news? Kokemus oli kuin kamala painajainen. The experience was like some hideous nightmare. kamala rikos a ghastly crime
2 (ruma, tyylitön) awful, dreadful, hideous, horrible, ghastly
Mikä kamala esitys! What an awful performance! Näytät aivan kamalalta! You look absolutely dreadful! Heidän uusi tapettinsa on kamala! Their new wallpaper is hideous! kamala väri a horrible colour Näytän kamalalta punaisessa. I look ghastly in red.
3 (valtava, tavaton) terrible, horrendous, awful, ghastly
Minulla on kamala päänsärky. I have a terrible headache. Töissä oli kamala päivä. It’s been a horrendous day at work. Minulla on kamala kiire. I’m in an awful rush. kamala ilma ghastly weather
MOT Englanti © Kielikone Oy & Gummerus Kustannus Oy
I’m going to be incredibly ‘the bad guy’ and objectify Ana. She normally floats around the 7.9 level of hotness. But today she is a straight 10. Congratulations Ana! You got top grades! ;-)
I denounce and reject your sexist comments. But if I was to give my opinion, it’s the makeup & tits; I’m usually a leg/ass man and she’s lacking in the dept., but she should never take that top off.
Also she’s incredibly smart & accomplished yada yada yada…
Watching Friday’s shows this Sunday morning… Absolutely the best shows of all are those when Ben is on!
Philistines, philistines, philistines!!!
Cenk, you belong to the world now! Please stop eating that “heart attack” food.
At a bar in Colorado, my girlfriend and friend (who is a 6’5″ 200+lbs bearded man) were both drugged. We all had 2 drinks each, over the course of several hours. By the time we got back to our residences, both of them were incapable of walking and were just absurd. Neither remembered anything the next day. Scary shit. There’s no way I could believe it was someone other than the bartender because no one else interacted with the drinks.
Happy Birthday Cenk! And what is this about Ana getting you some Coke for your Birthday? She should have given you water to drink. What is wrong with drinking water? Someone should lecture Ana about putting a drain on our health care system! To quote her, “I don’t want to pay for your unhealthy choices!” But being a good lib, I’ll let you drink your Coke and I’ll drink my Pepsi and we both should enjoy them in peace.
Oh god guys, it’s really obvious when wine is corked, you don’t need to be a professional wine taster.
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Chilly P!
Are you really gonna do Breaking Bad analysis on WTF? Because that would be 36
flavors of awesome.