Fox and Friends discussed the priorities of government and lambasted things like Planned Parenthood and the sequester. Lanny Bruer, former head of the criminal division for the Dept of Justice, is getting paid by private companies now that he retired from government after not prosecuting ONE banking company for their tremendous law-breaking. EPA unveiled a proposal that will cut down emissions from our cars with more regulations in our gas. The Petroleum Institute’s chief lobbyist complains that this will raise gas prices by a lot.
A pro-gun control group is using the assassination attempt on Reagan to show that he also wanted background checks for guns. Opponents are calling this divisive because they have no real answer for this.
HAHAHAHA “I don’t care about your kids.” Awesomely deadpan.
strangely enough, here’s a picture of Young’s late wife Lu:
If you don’t know that the term “wet back” is racist, you’re probably a racist.
Ok, first of all, how is Wolf-Pac the only hope in this particular situation when it addresses campaign finance reform and not the revolving door.
Second, what is wrong with the magic wand statement by Bush? Bush is an idiot, but it was a perfectly reasonable thing to say. People have a bunch of simplistic ideas about what the President can do. He was basically saying “listen you idiots: I don’t have the fucking power to lower gas prices.”
1) I agree that obviously revolving door needs to be addressed, but I think that getting a Constitutional Amendment itself is such a lofty goal, it may be too ambitious to get money out of politics in a single stroke. (Not that this is your point but perfect vs. good arguments get on my nerves a bit as I see them used against gun control so much (“As if a ban on assault weapons will magically make for no gun violence”, “As if a law will prevent criminals from getting their hands on them”, etc.) and they’re almost always invalid. Why have a Bill of Rights if rights violations continue to occur in the US?
The point is the Wolf-Pac Amendment helps, and helps enormously. While one could argue that addressing the revolving door would add to the force of it, I think Cenk’s trying to create focus by not getting into the other elements which are necessary but not part of his main thrust (revolving door, media reform). They would be much more possible to change after campaign finance reform.
I agree that the magic wand is fine. But he did go to it SO many times for controlling gas prices, the economy, bringing the troops home, etc. as though he couldn’t think of another way to explain his point.
Cenk, this is not about this show but a show this week. Your commentary about North Korea is misleading, to say the least. It’s ok to criticize them for being authoritarian, but you should also point out that the US and South Korea are trying to start a war with North Korea and have been for a long, long time now. The US unilaterally drew a sea border for North Korea which is way too close to their coast line, and South Korea and the US fire thousands of live rounds into the waters right next to their coast line, and have huge troop drills which resemble a rehearsal for invasion. We are quite arguably terrorizing them and most certainly provoking them on a regular basis, and when they make statements saying they will destroy South Korea it is in this context that they say it, and you fail completely to give that context! If you leave this important part of the story, you are MISLEADING your viewers in exactly the same way as the mainstream media.
Thank you for bringing this up! I really hope they address this issue.
Spot-on analysis of Reagan’s enduring popularity. All image.
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