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Segment 1
Jodie Foster speech at Golden Globe awards. Jackie Chan interview in China said that America is the most corrupt country in the world. News story about people trying to make a statement by walking around with guns. Debate about open carry vs. concealed carry. Space X project, trying to send people to Mars, at $500,000 per ticket. PETA doesn’t want animals being sent to Mars.
Segment 2
Noodling – catching fish with your bare hands. Japanese cuddle clubs. Porn site looking to move into interaction between the viewer and the video; motion-controlled porn.
Segment 3
Django Unchained action figures. Twin brothers in Belgium were deaf, and were going blind. They decided to be voluntarily euthanized.
The way I feel about open and concealed carry weapons is the same way I feel about guys who have to brag that they “took” martial arts… They both shouldn’t do it! :P
This video isn’t working for me. Hmm.
Mine stops and buffers every 20 secs, SO annoying.
Has anyone besides me seen Inglorious Basterds? It’s a Tarantino movie about the topic they’re debating, the holocaust. It’s a fantasy revenge movie about oppressed and terrorized people and a rag tag unit of soldiers getting merciless, brutal revenge on Nazi’s, and has several parts any sane person wishes had actually happened. It’s all about wanting to see horrible people get what they so richly deserve, and I definitely enjoyed that. I haven’t yet seen Django Unchained, but I can’t wait to, and I’m very surprised no one is talking about Inglorious Basterds. It seems like it would put parts of the movie in a different light compared to another Tarantino historical revenge movie.
BTW, ‘bastards’ is spelled ‘basterds’ in the title, its not a typo.
The idea of being blind and deaf is a scary though to me, to be locked in my own mind with very little way to communicate, I completely understand the brothers choice of euthanasia, If I was in that position, I think I would choose euthanasia too
When John mentioned the Wikipedia description of noodling, the reference to a “catfish hole” doesn’t mean a catfish orafice (mouth, anus, gill?) – it’s referring to the hole a catfish (particularly large catfish) will live in on the banks of a river or lake. C’mon, John!? Literally butt-fisting a catfish would be rather difficult…
1. The idea that making Mars habitable is easier than saving Earth is ridiculous.
2. No, going to Mars is not quite far enough to save us from the sun. That’s not to say that spreading out a little won’t be wise. One monster asteroid, and we’re gone.
Yeah, I thought Jodi had already come out. Really John? You didn’t know?
Some of us dont give a fuck.
22:00 Yes. Concealed carry is visual trickery. Yes, I’m very much in favor of it, for all the reasons John said earlier. You picture a street where everyone has guns strapped to them and you think dystopian future. You think Mad Max. Ironically, this is what “freedom” is to some people. I certainly wouldn’t feel free in a road where everyone’s carrying openly, I’d feel uncomfortable and want to leave.
PETA can fuck off. I like my dairy foods, thank you very much.
inb4 hate on new people