Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Aaron Swartz, one of the founders of Reddit and helped create the RSS feed, has been found dead after he committed suicide. His family and friends say that he was the target of an enormous federal investigation due to him uploading academic papers from JSTOR at MIT. The gov’t charged him with violating the computer fraud act where he’d face 50 years. Cenk is upset that since the government is afraid of people that are better at them at computer technology, they go on witch hunts to destroy & silence them. Cenk compares this benign crime with serious ones that don’t require anything close to 50 years in prison.
Segment 2
Fox & Friends speculates that the Academy Awards are punishing “Pro-American” movies. In reality, both Argo and Zero Dark Thirty are up for Best Picture. Video of Paul Krugman calling out Jon Stewart for making fun of the “trillion dollar coin” without knowing the full story on it.
Segment 3
Video of Frank Luntz admitting that Americans actually don’t care about the size of government, so the language of “smaller government” doesn’t work with convincing people. Video of Ed Rendell and Bill Burton minimizing the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, simply blowing them off along with Bernie Sanders. Video of Colin Powell pointing out the dark, racist part of the Republican Party that doesn’t respect minorities. Notice that although Obama is working hard on numerous issues, the jobless issue has been neglected.
Pingback: Monday, January 14, 2013 « TYT Network
I listened to the podcast of this show earlier today and on itunes, instead of the third segment, it starts at the beginning again. So there is no third segment for the itunes download. Can someone please check into that.
Cenk makes the same mistake as Stewart about the trillion dollar coin – both clearly don’t understand it at all. This should clear it up:
Cenk was having one of his occasional Bill O”Reilly moments.
Re: The Krugman/Stewart kerfufal…
I think Krugman has a valid point. Stewart may be a comedian but he still acts as an information point for millions of people. Note that people who watch Comedy Central are better informed than most. When Stewart essentially gives misinformation, he’s just being a tool for the cynical. That’s not making our democracy any better.
As far as the trillion-dollar coin being a bad idea, in reality it’s just an ephemeral act, the only effect of which is to reduce the Republican extortion threat to zero. That may or may not be a good thing, since the Republicans are only cutting their own throats by doing it.
What the government did to Bradley Manning and Aaron Swartz is nauseating and horrifying …. they can use the legal system to crush and torture anyone who has access to just a little more power/information than general society.
28:00 There’s something really, really creepy about having a Republican strategist come on to a Republican network and tell everyone. “Here’s what’s not working on you idiots anymore. Here’s the new wording that will help deceive you.”
I saw hour 2 come through on my RSS feed, but I don’t see it on the members page.
Hour 2 download
And here is the audio-only podcast for hour 2:
Thanks aabrown1971, I always forget to post that!
Here we go again.
As usual, Cenk gives scant coverage to Obama’s gun control and immigration proposals (they merit barely a mention on this broadcast), two things Cenk has been rightfully screaming for for four years, and instead goes after him for not doing enough about jobs. Yet, Obama proposed the American Jobs Act which sits languishing in a Congress that refuses to call it up for a vote.
I love Cenk and TYT but frankly this constant refusal to ever emphasize anything good Obama is doing is getting woefully predictable.
Care to make a bet on how watered-down-wishy-washy this gun control proposal will be? And as far as what will get passed – that will be a joke. They don’t call him the President for nothing – he CAN USE HIS BULLY PULPIT to actually push legislation – but this Republican-lite guy will not. Mark my words.
Thanks for the early upload TYT! Still rocking progressive news in 2013! woohoo!
TYT army! Please sign this petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-united-states-district-attorney-carmen-ortiz-office-overreach-case-aaron-swartz/RQNrG1Ck
We need to send a message.
I signed it with pleasure.
Here is one more for the other prosecutor who is just as guilty https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/fire-assistant-us-attorney-steve-heymann/RJKSY2nb
Thanks for getting this up so early!