Membership Show Index:
The Young Turks Main Show hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian
TYT University hosted by John Iadorola
Music and Politics hosted by Douglass Caballero
TYT Sports hosted by Rick Strom
twenTYTwelve hosted by Michael Shure (Focused on the 2012 Presidential Election)
Oh…yay, now we can navigate all the new episodes of TYT Sports, because nothing else ever gets uploaded to this site for some reason.
Great comment!
Hello! I’m a member, and have been coming to the “Membership Exclusive Content” page to get the latest shows to listen to. Well, the other day, it just gave me the “Become a Member” selections… So, I went out to Paypal to make sure they didn’t cancel my subscription again (it’s happened before), and it was showing as Active and paid. Is there an issue going on in the background or something? Please let me know! Thanks!
Looks like it’s working properly now. Thanks you guys!!!
Damn, the new Jimmy Dore show gets uploaded in segments to youtube before being uploaded to TYT member section? I can’t find any TJDS more recent than 12/3 up here.
TJDS and TYTU are some of my favorites and it irks me that they always make it up onto Youtube right away.
Hopefully they will upload some new stuff soon.
I heard if you go to Jimmy’s website you can find full podcasts? Not sure if that is the same show but it could be?
This link would be good if you actually posted the currant show here rather than just the ones that were available when you posted this!!!
This is THE FIRST THING YOU SEE ON YOUR HOMEPAGE!!!! and it is a collection of outdated links! WTF!
Why do you make it next to impossible to find the currant episode of any other show than TYT main show? The title and placement of this link (Membership Show Index:) would lead you to believe that you can click on say “the Point” and find the most currant episode. No! the last update is
The Point 11/21!!!
Common Room 11/27
Geek Speak 7/23
Jimmy Dore 12/3
TYT sports 11/17
WTF 12/6
I know there has been more episodes, but I’ll be Damned if I can find them! Not only is this link useless, but it is misleading and makes it appears as if you have no consistency in your other shows. This link should be updated or removed! You need a simple concise link where we MEMBERS can actually watch your other shows. I would love to hear what you think this link does, other than hide your other shows!! (and make you look like amateurs !!! )
ya man seriously, i totally agree with you, like how hard is it to order the episodes chronologically, and have a straightforward link to the shows, one for the archives, and one for the current. I was trying to watch the postgame yesterday, and i signed up for a membership, and couldnt find it, completely making a waste for me to sign up and pay $10. They seroiusly need to get on top of this and better organize their shows properly. That is a bare minimum for people who are paying to have “exclusive membership content” instead of trying to aimlessly browse youtube for the vids.
I know they aren’t doing the work for you like you seem to be asking for, but really it is very easy to find the post game shows if you spend more than 2 seconds looking.
Question for Cenk.Is there anything more important to this courntry than the structure of the monetary/banking system? Does the Federal Reserve actually have the authority to create money out of thin air? And does the US government actually pay for the debt created from thin air with taxpayer money?
Where the heck are the new TYTU episodes? I tweeted Jon about it a while back and he said there was some trouble uploading to the site. The regular episodes seem to be uploading, as well as the post game and other shows.
I keep seeing the little clips on YouTube for TYTU but I like to wait and watch the whole show (that I pay for!). I enjoy it way more in that format and I hate missing funny little bits that make the show enjoyable for someone who isn’t in college.
Upload the eps!
Hey Kimani, I just got a membership finally, and I’m wondering if there is any way I can watch post games from earlier than January 2012?
When i click the post game show’ link above, the farthest I can scroll back is Page 10, January 2012 postgames.
anyways, thanks for all the great work TYT!
Hey pandi! Thanks for becoming a member! I’m still working on getting our archives updated fully. All the old shows are, for the lack of a better term, scrambled all over a bunch of different hdds.
I’ll make an announcement when they are fully updated , which may take a few months.
awesome! good work with the index so far it’s easy to navigate.
Does anyone else miss RJ Eskow on the show? He wrote a kick-ass piece for the Huffington Post this week ( and I commented that I miss seeing him on TYT. To my surprise he replied and told me to tell them that. I thought he was just busy with other things, but apparently it’s just that nobody has thought to book him in forever.
Kimani, any chance you could tell whoever books the guest-hosts that Eskow’s intelligence and awesomely dry sense of humor are still in demand among members? Or am I the only one?
The link to jimmy’s show times out for me.
Kimani, the next time you have some “I Don’t work for TYT” guy handling the live stream, tell him to check if a person is a TYT army member before they ban from the live stream. just saying, ill stick to the YT chat now, but damn. I don’t know who he was but he was a dick.
Even I’ve banned you before man. You go on crazy tangents sometimes and it really takes over the chat in a negative way.
How do I watch the post game show? I just got a membership. I see that there is an archive of the old ones. Do you stream the new ones?
I’m not following you. Just click on the post game show link above.
This is a weird problem but how come I’m not seeing any new videos since ths 21st?
I think a nice addition to this would be a little flag next to each show with new content
or simply text saying ‘New content on XYZ-DATE’
Thanks so much for this Kimani!
How can we keep this available for users? Or do we need to favorite each link in our browsers?
I’ve been trying to figure out how to stick it to the top of the members content page haha.
That would be my suggestion at this point, create a TYT Network folder and save each show in there as a separate bookmark.
How can I add a photo to my comments like you have?
Hey Kimani, This really is great to have! Thank you for adding it!
If you (and Chris) want to develop it further, making it into a drop-down might be a good idea. However, I might suggest adding graphical buttons for each show, like on the “TYT SHOWS” page (…. at some point. Just to have the functionality is a serious improvement!
I do just want to share a thought…slightly off topic: I know you guys consider the Post Game show to be a separate show, but I’ve always consider it to be the “third hour” of the main show (even though it’s not an hour long). I always rename the files from “pg-20121114” to “tyt-2012-11-14pg” so that they play in order on my phone.
It seems that you’ve separated the Post Game and Main Show on purpose, but I think they make sense together. It’s the main show.. just longer!
Hey Alex! Thanks for the suggestions! I’m learning a lot more about WordPress so I am able to make these changes myself, but it’s one foot in front of the other at this point (because I don’t want to mess anything up).
Ideally, the Post Game is an hour long, and we may eventually get there. The reason we have them ‘separate’ is so people can easily isolate them.
Thanks for the reply, Kimani! I don’t know how to use wordpress AT ALL so you’re ahead of me! From an interface design perspective, it always seemed odd that the “TYT SHOWS” page (accessible from the menu bar) throws you to YouTube and not to the Member’s Archives… at least for members.
Thanks! This is great.
So does this mean we’ll see the archive for 2007> come back online? I only managed to watch through to about June 2009 before it went down.
Still working on it!
cant wait to watch the old post games!! thats what i signed up for damn it! :D
Great to see a listing of shows on the TYTNetwork. The growth I’ve seen over the last year has been phenomenal. Looking forward to see the Turks continue to dominate.
Too Strong!
I ended up bookmarking each link and making my own menu in my browser. Thanks a lot for the links. I discovered a few new shows.
A simpler solution might be to just pin this post to the top of the membership feed.
Since the main link bar isn’t (at least doesn’t look) compatible with a dropdown function, and with this many options doesn’t seem like it could handle such a function very well anyways, pinning this post might be the best option at least in the meantime.
Plus, that way you could always add links to other shows to this post as TYTNetwork expands.
Halfway there. Make this a linkbar or pulldown select
right by Archive for Membership
and you’ll be done.
No more half measures. #BreakingBad
I’m not a web developer haha! This is about as far as my web capabilities go at this point. I’ll let Chris know though.
Web is not easy for sure.
Good idea, this list. Long time overdue. Thanks! :)