Segment 1
Cenk hosting. Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT. What are we going to do about it? Shootings since the Sandy Hook massacre. Other countries have movies and video games, but the US still has more violent assaults. VIDEO of Louie Gohmert defending gun rights. VIDEO of Mike Huckabee says that we removed God from our schools, leading to this shooting. Cenk rants against Huckabee’s comments. Comparing gun deaths in Japan and Australia and the US. Australia passed a sweeping and very restrictive gun control law after a massacre.
Segment 2
VIDEO of Tom Ridge blaming culture and video games. Gov. Hickenlooper of CO also blames video games VIDEO. Compilation by Roland Woerner of Obama speaking and the kids who died. Attempts to pass gun control legislation in the past have been killed. When Holder suggested reinstituting the assault weapons ban, Rahm Emmanuel cursed him. VIDEO of Obama’s speech on the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. He has been absent on the issue for his entire Presidency. Obama VIDEO compilation of his empty words after past shooters. Obama says he can do things, but he actually has made gun control laws LESS restrictive. Obama wrote an editorial that he expanded gun rights, allowing guns in National Parks and on Amtrak. Brady Center gave him an F on gun control in 2009.
Segment 3
How easily does the NRA buy our politicians? They only paid $600,000 to politicians, and $5 million. Fiscal Cliff negotiations. Washington Post article says that Obama is giving in to Boehner. This reporting indicates that Obama will agree to cut social security. And that Obama will only raise taxes on those who earn more than $1,000,000. Obama has given up on the $250,000 limit that he ran his campaign on.
Pingback: Monday, December 17, 2012 « TYT Network
Mandatory liability insurance for ALL gun owners.
Minimum pay out per event = $100,000.
For vehicles.
Why not guns?
Best of all:: it would be loved by the insurance companies and they are a mega lobby. Get ‘er done now!
Can anybody tell me where Cenk got the Australian gun statistics from?
Most likely from our Federal Websites. Australia is very open with their crime rates and statistics.
Podcast not up in time, meh, par for the course.
Content uploaded but in some randomly odd order, mulligan.
Deleting comments… that’s new, but understandable since the comment section is usually reserved for complaining. Not to diminish the validity of the complaints, because there were some very good points in there, but by and large they are a tad over the top.
If you really want better presentation, or a better product overall, then contribute to a solution or vote with your wallet. I’m a paying member because I’ve been listening to Cenk for the past 6/7 years and I feel that I get content here I can’t get anywhere else. Additionally, I’m willing to wait for that content.
I’d rather watch last week’s episodes than watch Bill O’Reilley in real time, period.
Vote with your wallet is right. We’ve complained before and nothing changes. I’ve been listening for 6/7 years too, back when it was Cenk, Ben and Jill. The show has vastly changed.
24:35 – Segment 1
6:50 – Segment 2
0:00 – Segment 3
Cenk needs to cool it on the bombast and yelling, it’s getting kind of cartoonish
The clips appear in the wrong order.
I pay $10/month so I can be entitled to be whiny when the podcast isn’t available within 6 hrs of the show’s completion, the technically savvy understand how weak sauce it is to lay the blame off on the server
WTF people? You act like the world is ending just because something isn’t ready and waiting for you to download immediately. Talk about whiney entitled people.
We aren’t “entitled” to a product we pay for now?
If you watch TYT you should know better than to defend the indefensible. An internet show needs to be more tech sawy than this.
I bet Obama did it.
Thanks for the upload, but why would you delete our comments? smh
Yes. Great. The post with 58+ member complaints/concerns/criticisms magically vanishes. Way to sweep things under the rug….
says “comments” not “member complaints/concerns/criticisms”
How many times does this need to be written? The “Comment” section is not solely for the purpose of praising the Dear Leader. Sometimes people express problems with the show that need to be addressed.
says who?
Says the members who reserve the right to complain
Yeah, that seems heavy handed and and a little short-sighted to me as well. Get rid of the complaints = problems don’t exist?
Ahhh. All cleaned up an never happened!