Segment 1
Cenk and Ana hosting. While Obama was speaking, NBC cut out of the football game and went to Obama, and people wrote terrible things about the President. Racist tweets. Liza Long, author of the blog “I am Adam Lanza’s Mother”. Adam Lanza’s mother took her 9 year old mentally ill son out to shoot guns. New laws allow you to have concealed guns on campus in Wisconsin.
Segment 2
Westboro Baptist Church considering protests at the CT funerals. The KKK is considering a counter-protest against Westboro Baptist Church. Rupert Murdoch says Obama didn’t do enough for gun control, but his network Fox News forbid the hosts from discussing gun control over the weekend. VIDEO montage of Fox saying guns were not the problem. Celebrities who gave to Obama call for gun control; Obama doesn’t listen to them. Cenk predicts that Obama will not fight for a ban on assault weapons. He will do tracking and other measures. He might try to control magazine sizes. Ana says the rhetoric on gun control has changed, so maybe something will be done. Cenk gets cynical about Joe Scarborough’s change of heart on gun control; he thinks it’s a play to be on Bloomberg’s ticket as VP. Jamie Foxx interview with AP about CT shooting, about violent movies and video games.
Segment 3
Hillbilly porn. What is gonzo porn? Tentacle rape. Unidentified woman in Australia has won workers compensation for injuries incurred while having sex during a work trip.
“Just today there was an article about he doesn’t mean it!” ??? WTFFF??? Really Cenk?? Article by whom, published where, and with what proof that “he doesn’t mean it”?? It’s really smooth giving the president three whole DAYS to change the entire country’s centuries of open gun rights! I know writing up a new bill or law, changing old laws, getting it all rewritten and passed through the Republican-controlled, NRA-bought Congress, shouldn’t take more than 90 seconds or so… Once AGAIN, you think Obama’s a useless sack of shit who did nothing to fix Bush’s chaos and hellish economy or reverse the jobs loss, you think he’s just sitting around doing nothing but picking his nose, HAVE AT IT! No excuse is big enough for you to run for office and DO SOMETHING, instead of criticizing Obama every single time something happens in this country that pisses you off. Obama is ONE PERSON. This country is 323 MILLION. You think you can control every bad thing and stop everything bad yourself? We’re ALL waiting…
Seriously Cenk? I am pretty sure I have seen numerous shows where you belittle and attack politicians for ‘being obsessed with their donors’ and doing what their donors tell them because that means they are being bought! But yet, do my ears deceive me? Now I am listening while you and Ana both are berating Obama for NOT listening to or following his donors!
Pingback: Monday, December 17, 2012 « TYT Network
Mandatory liability insurance for ALL gun owners.
Minimum pay out per event = $100,000.
For vehicles.
Why not guns?
Best of all:: it would be loved by the insurance companies and they are a mega lobby. Get ‘er done now!
I have very mild autism and figured it out on my own recently at the age of 20 before getting a diagnosis professionally and I don’t really need much help but the realisation and the explanation for many factors of my personality and my feelings etc is the biggest help I found personally so Wendy is totally right.
Get it recognised because the quicker the child or young adult feels that relief of understanding the more easy it is for them to get to grips with dealing with the world with their condition and whatever effects it has on them compared to the average person in adult life.
She’s also totally right that autism or aspergers does NOT mean violent, I’m personally the sort of person where the most violent thing I do is slamming doors in a mood, which let’s face it, VERY normal and not scary in the slightest.
Keep doing what you’re doing TYT, love you guys :)
Think about the double standard when it comes to trying to let college students have concealed-carry: it’s perfectly fine to propose that now, but if we talk about restricting guns on any college campus, TOO SOON!!!
For anyone who might want to leave amessage about assault weapons or social security cuts or whatever at the White House
comment line – the number is 1-202-456-1111.
I thought tentacle stuff became big in Japanese culture because actual hardcore porn was illegal and tentacles were a way to accomplish the ‘penetration’ part of porn without crossing the law.
Since Clinton instituted the assault weapons ban, does anyone know the amount of gun violence in the Clinton years versus present?
I am not sure whether the republicans are saying these ridiculous comments due to political reasons or or due to their actual viewpoints.
If they are going to say this, they might as well:
1) have everyone in US to mandatory own at least one gun regardless of age, race, mental stability, gender, etc.
2) have a class on history of guns, usage of guns, etc
3) amend the flag to have a gun on it
4) incorporate the usage of guns in the US anthem
5) have guns always in possession, whether at a job, school, etc. (for ex. a viewer watching a news anchor on tv should see the anchor in possession of the gun)
6) have informercials should advertise guns.
You get the point…it seems from the point of view of an outsider, why do some politicians try to indirectly promote guns when they should explicitly promote it.
Australia has come up a lot in this hour, let’s hope it’s a trend :D
To be fair, Japan has a very high suicide rate compared to the rest of the world; I think it may be number 1 actually. As for “fictional” media content leading to violence, its just not true. If anything it lets crazy people channel out their impulses in a harmless way.
To be fair, I know gun violence in Japan is extremely low, but what is their murder rate? I’m pretty sure a lot of Japanese people died with a samurai sword in that Kill Bill movie. No serious question though.
You shouldn’t be surprised there is hill billy porn. Rule #34 of the internet is “If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.”
Fuck man… i dunno whats more painfull, listening to you guys talk about guns, or porn… It seems you guys cant be bothered to look shit up….
Bulemia is a mental illness, isnt it?
So, if your kid gets bulemia, the govt gets to come and take your guns?
LISTEN TO YOURSELFS, you sound like morons …
=( =( =(
You don’t ‘get Bulimia’ like you ‘get chicken pox’ – Bulimia is the result of stress, body image problems, depression, and wanting to control an aspect of life when a person feels powerless. So yea, keeping guns away from a young person with Bulimia, since it almost always accompanies major depression and suicidal thoughts, is a REALLY GOOD IDEA!
Listen to yourself, xcm…..
Tentacle rape exists in regular JAV too. Not just hentai.
video doesn’t work, mp3 version does.