TYT 12.5.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern15 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Jimmy Dore is hanging out in the Peanut Gallery. When it comes to marijuana legalization, 51% of the country are in favor vs. 44% against. 66% under the age of 30 are in favor. Cenk reiterates that we are a progressive country. 57% think that undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay and have a path to citizenship. John Sununu is back out there talking about how and why Romney lost the election. He claimed that Obama’s base that are dependent on government came out in strong numbers. Harry Reid and Dems are pursuing real filibuster reform so that Republicans won’t be able to filibuster without really filibustering. John Boehner has vowed to not even vote on every single bill that the Senate passes if Reid pushes this through.

Segment 2
The Jobs Czar for Rick Scott in Florida had some past problems with his company that was doing well before it went under. When the company was gone, he went after unemployment benefits despite the fact that he got a nice severance package and was already worth lots of money. All while he was collecting this $25,000 worth of unemployment cash, he took a trip to Europe. He explained his selfish move in a very “matter of a fact” manner. He even claimed that collecting unemployment gave him a better understanding of the department’s goals. Since understanding the system, he’s implemented changes that makes collecting unemployment unnecessarily difficult for regular people. Liz Fowler is a perfect example of the revolving door problem in DC. She went from working for Max Baucus in the healthcare field to lobbying for a healthcare company, back to working for Baucus, to the White House, to becoming Johnson & Johnson’s top lobbyist. Video of Fox & Friends outraged by MSNBC hosts being invited to the White House.

Segment 3
After Blackwater’s negative attention brought bad PR, they changed their name several times to no avail. One former member revealed much more of their dirty deeds. Despite all of this, they just got a no-bid contract in Afghanistan for $22 million. NATO led forces killed 3 kids ranging from ages 8-12 years old in a targeted attack. We confirmed that killing kids like these is a policy of ours, targeting children with potential hostile intent.


  1. Pingback: Friday, April 19, 2013 « TYT Network

  2. A lot of my political discussions and arguments take place online (surpriiiiise!), and often times I’d like to use the information from the first hour, but don’t know where to begin to find it.

    Having access to links and/or sources for the show would be tremendously beneficial to being able to reference articles and documents used in the first hour.

    Is there any chance that a new feature can be added to these pages whereby we have access to the information used in the first hour? Again, I can’t emphasize how helpful this would be to those of us “on the ground” and in the online political arena.

    The show is first-rate and the info–if made available to us, the viewers–should be made available to all, if it’s possible.


  3. Using dung for fuel isn’t abut desperation, Cenk. It is about not being wasteful. This is a common practice in India, Pakistan, and Afganistan. The timber has better uses, such as framework for houses. It’s still horrid that they decided to kill some children who were out doing their chores.

  4. The download is bigged too: Both episodes and the postgame max out at 20 KByte/s while downloading – most of the time it’s just ~5 KByte/s. Normally I have download rates of my full DSL speed, around 1,4 MByte/s.

    What’s ther matter now?!

  5. I started the video and it was playing fine, when something happened and oh nooooooo half a video!!!!!!!!! could it be?????????
    Ohhhh, the horror.
    I hope the other viewers got the left side of the video which is the part that was missing on my screen.

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