TYT 12.3.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern8 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. KC Chiefs player Jovan Belcher murdered his girlfriend before killing himself in front of his head coach. Videos of Bob Costas addressing the gun issues in our country at halftime of Sunday Night Football. Video of Fox & Friends disputing Costas’ words. Video of Bryan Fischer and a guest talking about how it is wrong to not use the gift of oil from God. Sheldon Adelson was reported to have dished $150 million into the election to get his interests passed. He is worried about being vilified in legal proceedings in his other dirty dealings. Cenk hypothesizes that Adelson purposefully allowed this story to be leaked to the media so that all of the Republican tools he’s bought will be on notice to protect him if he’s targeted by elected officials for his illegal activity.

Segment 2
President Obama is negotiating like a progressive with stonewalling conservatives. He and other Democrats are openly realizing that conceding without any real stance hasn’t been working. Videos of Tim Geithner defending the Obama Admin offer with Chris Wallace. John Boehner finally proposed something today, in response. Their offer includes a $200 billion tax break for the richest in lower tax rates. They also want means testing for Medicare and other changes that those recipients openly reject.

Segment 3
Bad news on climate change. The proposed goal to keep carbon emissions down to avoid being screwed isn’t being adhered to. Audio of Nate Silver talking trash to Politico over their disbelief in his assessment of the polls leading up to the election. NewsCorp is closing down a magazine called The Daily, that was only available on iPads if customers paid without knowing anything about it. Cenk points out that you have to give people something in order to make them want to buy it. They spent $30 million/year on this publication.


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  2. what is it with ppl being affraid of not having guns, clearly if one is mentally fit enough to have guns one will clearly still be able to have them, what are people on about? even if you own a gun do you really have it on your person 24/7 in order to be able to defend your self. i must say i find the anti regulation stance quite disturbing

  3. The Ted Nugent thing is funny as always, but you could have said that it is the failing of man (or whatever he had said) that we allow so many people to have guns that shouldn’t have them.

    As for these football players, the same thing happened with the wrestler Chris Benoit. He had so many head injuries that his brain was like an Alzheimer patient. He ended up killing his wife, one of his sons, and himself. After that, the WWE wiped him name from every accolade in their history, and he was a great wrestler. Would the NFL ever do that?

  4. Can i just point out that vietnam was a terrible war and a complete failure. if ted nugent whent to war in veitnam it would achive nothing there would just be a few more dead peasants. He can think the war is posintless and be progun just as he can be pro iraq or afganistaian and still anti vietnam

    1. You make good points, corran. I can’t fault anyone for seeking to avoid participating in that war. It was a stupid waste of blood and treasure on our side. And a needless nightmare of terror for the Vietnamese.

      It’s really just bad form for Nugent to be such a gun nut. But I have a theory.

      IMO, people that are into guns, beyond sporting/hunting, have a general feeling of frustration and powerlessness in their lives. They compensate for it with guns which seem to fill that void to some extent.

      All but a few of us feel frustrated and powerless – some more than others. It’s all in how we deal with it.

    2. Cenk isn’t faulting anyone for not going to Vietnam, nor was he actually saying that Nugent should have gone. But Nugent makes a point of pointing at liberals as the pussies not willing to do what he deems is necessary to “protect” America, which is usually starting as much war as possible, or not being pro-military enough.

      Don’t make it sound like he was a conscientious objector to the war, either. He tried to make up for crapping his pants to get out of war by claiming that he was TOO badass to go war, and everyone else there wasn’t up to his level of badassitude. He’s full of it.

      For the record, by the way, Iraq and Afghanistan have been terrible wars and complete failures as well.

  5. “You’d better not politicize that gun tragedy (Like 9/11). It would be disgraceful to enact immediate and hasty legislation based on one focused event, while emotions are still high (like 9/11).”

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