TYT 11.27.12 Hour 2

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern20 Comments

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Hour 2
Segment 1
John Boehner visited by 7 naked protesters against budget cuts.
Top advisor to the President David Plouffe says they want to get lower rates for the wealthy and they are going to cut entitlement programs.
Grover Norquist goes plays bad cop and goes after republicans.
Warren Buffett says if you make over $1 you should pay at least 30% in taxes.
Segment 2
Obama talks about civil liberties in 2008, “sometimes we don’t always have the right person”… what about Guantanamo Bay & Signature Drone Strikes?
Jim Greer said they have to cut down on early voting so Republicans can win.
Segment 3
Scott Desjarlais says he didn’t give enough thought on abortions…>2 abortions and >4 mistresses later.
Toure tries to make an attack on McCain and makes it about race.
Fire in Bangladesh that was making products for WalMart kills 129 people, no fire extinguishers, they locked exits, managers told workers to get back to work. Fox news says it’s not WalMart’s fault and don’t hate on the American dream of capitalism.
French are backing Palestinians status in UN.
5 year old sex tape in China with Lee Zeng Fu and 18 year old girl, they bundled the contract with the girl, then tried to blackmail Lee, he fights back.


  1. Oh I left out the last part – “Its like danger pay. Like they give in the military” LOL. This similarity between the military and animal brothel trainers had previously gone unnoticed by me.

  2. Haters back off.

    John is the all time TYT rookie of the year. Dude is mad funny. He primed the pump well with his musings on the lack of variety in the zoo sex advertisement and then delivered one of the most laugh out loud, random, weird tangents I’ve heard on the second hour in a long time. I am compelled to transcribe it –

    “Training the animals to have sex. That implies that the animals aren’t good at it or they act out or something. That’s gotta be painful. I mean, I’m saying you are training them to work at an animal brothel and you might get your dick chopped off by a donkey or something. That’s dangerous!! These people deserve good pay!!…. If it continues.”

    Got to love a lib who is advocates safe working conditions and fair pay for the German working class of animal brothel trainers. Keep bringing the gold, John. Hook ‘em.

  3. So Ana thinks humans should not be allowed to have sex with animals, but seems to be just fine with allowing humans to kill and eat them. Why is the animal’s “consent” relevant to sex but not life and death? Muddy thinking is Ana’s trademark.

      1. A preference for logical consistency in arguments is not exclusive to vegetarians. Nor is a distaste for non sequitur replies.

      2. I am not a vegetarian but Ryan’s comment is exactly what I always think when they bring up the “bestiality is wrong because the animal can’t consent” bit.

        How could the animal consent even be taken into account? We most certainly don’t care about it when we kill and eat them. A case may be made against inhumane treatment of animals but anyone who has ever seen a video from a slaughterhouse knows that is bs.

        So why is it it illegal? I am tempted to just say “well, it’s gross and I wouldn’t want to do it” but few find that argument compelling when applied to, say, homosexuals.

  4. LOL at all these people brainlessly bitching and overanalyzing about John as a host. “There’s no chemistry…”, “He doesn’t care about the stories” and all this other nonsense is so stupid to read. The “neigh” he threw in there with the zoo story was gold; he fits right in.

    I watch the main show & post-game every day. He’s a totally suitable host, and gets along just fine whether he’s hosting with Cenk, Ana, Ben or whomever. I’m not even saying he’s not good, but as he does more hosting, he’ll only continue to improve and grow in the role.

    If TYT does something wrong, it’s fine to bitch. Expanding the hosting roster’s not one of those things though. If you said to Ana and Cenk’s faces that John’s no good as a host, they’d laugh and say “Sad day for you.”

    Don’t be a bitch. Get over it.

  5. It’s painful lols watching the two when they go to wtf-land due to their horrendous chemistry.

    John isn’t a bad guy, he just doesn’t give a shit about any of the stories. I don’t think I’ve heard him once actually understand the visceral background of a serious story from an angle of someone who studied it out of pure interest. Actually my bad – the asphixiation-by-breasts story was his personal input. He’s ok-ish when he just asks questions that broaden discussion – stick to that.

    Anna cares about many topics and is maturing as a comentator, but her bs-filter is that of a 10 year old and she doesn’t think stories through before going on air. Get Ben to spot her.

    1. Actually Ben, who is my favorite guest host, is the one who doesn’t care about any of the stories most of the time. “Who cares” is practically his catchphrase. So I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about.

      1. Ben is nowhere near my favorite guest host, but he is very sharp when asking questions and keeping the show on tracks, so a good spotter for Anna. And he has been more interested and reasonable than in past.

  6. But, yeah, John Aidarola does suck. When he hosts, he just talks about partisan “D vs. R” type crap. It’s so boring and simple-minded. I could go to MSNBC for that, if fhat’s what I was interested in hearing.

  7. This is a podcast. Take a break, don’t need to hear how exhausted you are after 20 minutes of work and there is no rush. There is noone coming after you, there is no running out of time. wtf? get tired of how bloated and lazy tyt has become. enough of john adarola or whatever as well. who is this guy? ugh.

    1. Many people (especially people who aren’t members) watch the show live, so it’s not so easy to take many breaks. Also, they have other shows (eg, Current) to do, so the day is packed anyway…making it not easy to take breaks. The shows require more than sitting down and talking….they have to prepare for the shows…so the whole day is filled up.

    2. It’s not a “podcast” like other podcasts people do in their home on a desk whenever they can. It’s not 20 minutes of work. There is running out of time as they shoot and broadcast this live. Iadarola has been in TYT for quite some time now. It seems you know absolutely nothing about this show.

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