Segment 1
John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson hosting today. Republicans are having to distance themselves from Romney’s “gifts” comments after he lost the election. Marco Rubio told GQ Magazine that he’s not sure how old the Earth is because, he’s not a scientist. Republicans are still holding the Violence Against Women’s Act hostage right after the election. The owner of an Arizona gun store is refusing to sell guns to anyone that voted for Obama.
Segment 2
Some Republican groups that have stances in favor of abortion rights and gay rights are trying to come to the forefront and be influential on the Party in the wake of the last election. Video of Nancy Pelosi declaring that it would be unacceptable to not raise tax rates on the richest. Although John Boehner and Republicans are speaking in terms of accommodating and compromising on taxes, their real intent is to keep the same hard line on taxes. Video of Scott Walker claiming that Republican governors balanced their budgets while keeping taxes lower. Video of John McCain advocating that we send President Clinton over to negotiate the conflict in the Middle East. CNN poll showed that 57% of Americans think Israel is justified in their killing of Palestinians. Video of Brian Kilmeade telling a caller to his radio show that Fox News hires its female anchors like Alisyn Camerota by flipping through Victoria’s Secret.
Pingback: Monday, November 19, 2012 « TYT Network
Lisa needs to think about training her voice. I can’t help it, but it is really detrimental to her image. She sounds like a Valley Girl and it is not a good thing.
Now that I watched the 1st hour, it was a very nice show. Good Job!!! seems that some trolls were making comments today.
Why all this John hat? ;) I like the guy – and Lisa too (despite her trembling high voice). Both are quite calm and reasoned, I like that. Sure John’s not Cenk – but he doesn’t have to be.
Man, the tyt hosts really suck at economics. Clinton could run a surplus because the private sector was spending more than it earned, by the exact same amount as the govt surplus. Weird. It’s almost as if one person’s spending is another person’s income. It’s mathematically impossible for the non-govt sector and the govt sector to both run surplus simultaneously. Should be obvious. Someone has to spend a dollar for you to earn a dollar…
you are not suggesting that Clinton was controlling all, by himself, the private sector, no? of course the sales tax received by the Government will double if everybody is buying twice as much. What’s your point?
i like lisa :)
Jack I – doesn’t throw red meat … Cenk has it !
Can someone else fill in for Cenk? Like Ben or Jimmy. Sorry, John, but I don’t like to watch the show when you are hosting or involved.
Any way to modulate Lisa’s voice? It’s so high, that it comes through as shrill?
Belief is not knowledge.
religion is not about believing. religion is about belonging. the atheist community will understands this soon.
but you can’t belong if you don’t believe
Pretty good show overall. Lisa has shown herself to be more than just a “University” person. As an Old White Guy, it’s encouraging to see engaged, informed and intelligent younger people. More power to ’em.
Frankly, I think Cenk needed a break. He’s been getting rather too hysterical lately. I’m sure he’s been working very, very hard during the election season, and it’s effected his usual calm demeanor. ;>)
What’s the holiday schedule? Y’all taking Friday off?
Those two people have very annoying voices. Sorry, but I had to turn this off.
I can’t believe that nobody caught an obvious aspect of the gun shop owner refusing to sell to obama voters, and that is that he can, and probably does, assume that all black people and hispanics voted for obama! What do you think he does when an african american or hispanic american walks into his shop? Ten to one he immediately refuses them service, or at the very least interrogates them harshly about their vote. Does anybody out there really think this isn’t about discrimination?
n8glenn… you are grasping at straws that arent there….
I think this is about a dumb romney supporter doing something stupid. Is it possible he harbors racist feelings? Sure, but you dont know that, and making those comments makes you look like a child.
chill out…. this is why liberals look so stupid.
Saying Romney was not their first choice is a massive understatement. He was hated by all his fellow Republicans, and he was literally their *last* choice. Everyone, the crazy cat lady, the serial adulterer, the closet gay with the name of some anal sex byproduct, the guy who was even thicker than bush, and yeah, even the token black man got a lead before Romney did. The problem was that they imploded one by one and only he was left… Remember you reported how badly they talked about him on some book? They never liked him to begin with. So it was easy for them, especially after the elections, to throw him under the bus.
He wasnt a bad candidate, he was THE BEST candidate (at loosing). He was meant to fail…. semi obviously.
It’s kinda sad how people *want* Obama to be one of them, really. “Obama is really an atheist, he’s just pretending to believe in God”, “Obama is really a liberal, he’s just pretending to be establishment”
C’mon. In regard to the whole “atheism” deal, it just reeks of people having a belief that you have to be dumb or uneducated to believe in god.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t TYT employ people “of faith”? I seem to recall Jayar saying he believes in god.. Or does John believe that Jayar is secretly an atheist who feigns belief to please the audience?
Please, enough with the “wishful” thinking. It’s not only sad, it’s insulting.
As a point of fact, automatic weapons are NOT illegal, correct, but they are also STRONGLY regulated, and literally, can not be carried in public.
Owning a silencer or an automatic weapons means you have an object that can not leave a gun safe. Only time it can leave a gun safe, is when it is put into a locked container, and is taken directly to a gun range, and from the gun range, back into a locked container and back into the gun safe.
Owning an automatic weapon w/o a tax stamp, also, carries a huge federal sentence, so they technically are illegal unless you’ve gone through an ATF background check, and paid at least $8000 + $200 for a tax stamp, and submit to yearly searches of your house upon receiving it. I used to have a federal firearm license, so I know a little bit about that topic. And before anyone comments, I am for gun control.
I think John does a great job co-hosting, but he doesn’t cut it as a replacement for Cenk for me. Ben and Michael are my favorite hosts, hope you can get them on more. Jimmy Dore will do as well.
Hell, I’ll take John if you put someone like Jayar next to him (no offense to Lisa, who’s also a fine co-host.)
I’d like to walk back my comments about John a bit. John is great. It was more of an appeal for more of my favorites, Ben and Michael. ;)
I agree…I think Ben is a much better host. Michael is good, but not when he’s by himself. Michael tends to go too dry after about 20 minutes. Ben and Michael would be the best.
I haven’t heard this video yet but I can only guess that John and Lisa are getting their feet wet doing the first hour.
Usually I listen any movie and TV show with zero expectations so I’m rarely disappointed. Peopld needs to keep everything in perspective.
In regards to replacement hosts, any combo of Ben/Michael/Jimmy would get my vote (no offence John). Or how about Sam Seder? I’d love to see him hosting TYT although it would probably be a logistical nightmare considering he’s on the East Coast…
The Younger Turks! What a great job. Really making the whole family proud.
The gun store owner clearly is doing it for marketing purposes, when people see this type of advertisement they flip out and then guess whose gun store gets a whole bunch of free press…..
wow……… Ana knows politics today…..
ZING! She’s cuter too…