TYT 10.26.12 Hour 2

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern50 Comments

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Hour 2
Segment 1
Ana joins Cenk and Ben for SCS. Talk about her appearance on a Showtime show and how nice Ron Christie is, even though he’s an idiot. Maricopa county in Arizona sent out fake voter registration cards and false election day information to Latinos. Video of Lena Dunham’s ad in support of Obama, where she compares having sex for the first time to voting for the first time. Cenk isn’t buying it. Conservatives are losing their minds over it. Video of Vladimir Putin’s ad employing a similar sexual tone. In 1980, Reagan compared voting Republican to having sex for the first time. Video of a woman that lives the way the Bible tells her to to show how ridiculous some of the rules are.

Segment 2
Clips of Cenk’s interview with Danny Trejo. Buckzollo has created an Obama parody song, illustrating all of the ways people hate Obama.


  1. If we’re voting, I say “more Ben”. Also, more Wes, less Steve, less John, and more Jimmy.
    For hour 2, more rotating girls, but no less Ana. I guess that reluctantly means less Cenk.

  2. HEY! They FINALLY said my name in the members shout-outs! But they got my number WRONG! I am both shocked AND chagrined. They listed it as #1416, but there was a recent tweet that listed my number correctly, member #45. That’s right, I was in the first 50 members. Been a member since November 2006. I originally joined as an annual member (when I was doing better financially) and after a couple of years, I had to switch to a monthly membership ’cause I didn’t have the funds to pay a year at once and I asked Dave if I could keep my member # and he said that shouldn’t be a problem. I thought that was the case when I saw the tweet, but Cenk finally gives me the recognition I sorely deserve ;-) and what does he do? Give me some bogus number. How dare you? When I heard my name, although he stumbled on it, I said, “YES!!” Then he said the number and I said, “WHO SAID THAT?!?” Both said in the style of the Republican on the sound board whom I forget his name, but you can be sure I’ll be telling Randy Gonzales about this.

  3. The Putin ad text is real. It says
    “First time
    Only for ”

    The last line I’m not so sure of, but the text is real.

  4. Will Cenk be returning to us full time again or maybe he’ll decide to go full corporate and cut us loose….

    Current TV is considering putting itself up for sale, or entering into a partnership with another company, a spokesperson at the independent and politically progressive cable company told TPM Friday. While nothing is formal yet, Laura Nelson, Current’s senior vice president for communications, said, “We’re exploring strategic options, including sale, also including partnerships or straight investment.

    1. Change happens, It will be interesting to see what happens next. But I’m disappointed that Gore couldn’t employ more of Turner’s tactics when he developed CNN. It looks like Current will remain a backwater channel for a while, despite having four big names and Cenk’s loyal army. Current chose to follow the MSNBC model, when they could have gone head-to-head with CNN. It would have taken a big investment, but they’d have captured a market with a product that no one else has:

      Straight news and good journalism.

  5. I like Ben.

    But I don’t like how he always seems uninterested when someone else is talking. He tends to always fumble with papers or look downward when someone else starts to speak. And he interrupts others too much.

    But he is funny and I like his opinions. I also like when just him and Ana host. They have great hosting chemistry together.

  6. I can’t be the only member of TYT that had no idea who Lena Dunham was before this, right? I think I’ll keep it that way.

    1. I’d never heard of her before, either. It must be a generational thing. But I remember that when I was 26, I had no idea about how big the world is, either, nor about how small it is.

  7. 18:00 min: Oh my fucking god, just because you can’t understand the Cyrillic alphabet doesn’t mean that it’s gibberish in Russian.

    It says:
    First time
    — only for love”

    It’s a play on the Russian phrase “брак по любви”, which can be translated as “love match” or “union of hearts.” It’s not necessarily sexual.

    I don’t mind TYT making fun of Russians when something is actually funny, which here Ben is just acting like a childish idiot.

    1. You’re just making that up. There’s no way that’s a real language. :^P

      (It’s a long-running joke on TYT. Lighten up.)

      1. I know it’s long-running, I’ve been watching TYT since 2008. But I don’t have to find mocking of Russian language funny if it’s done in this moronic way.

        On the other hand, Cenk’s drunk Russian guy accent actually IS funny.

        1. Oh, come on. I don’t understand why you guys are taking it so personally and seriously. Cenk and Ben make fun of absolutely everything on the planet, including themselves. Lighten up!

    1. I don’t get it. Ben is either loved or hated, with nothing in the middle.

      More Ben!!!!! I wish the guy was on every day.

      1. I think Ben’s commentary is fine and it doesn’t bother me that he interrupts all the time. But he mumbles too much. I can make out ~50% of what he says.

    1. This looks like a post the Ambassador should be focusing on. But since he’s busy on other posts let me help you out.

      I used to have the same problem as you have. If you have Internet Explorer, go to another website then go into your internet options and clear out all of your browsing history.

      After you’ve done that, go back into the TYT’s main page and login BEFORE you go the member’s section. Then you shouldn’t see the sign up page anymore.

  8. I’m with both Ana and Jayar/Kimani on Lena Dunham. I love Girls. It’s a top-notch show with real characters and down-to-earth storytelling that shucks the traditional format. However, as far as the insight it brings into this generation, it’s limited. It’s a great voice for young, upper middle class white girls and all the 1st world angst that accompanies their privileged lifestyles. Little much for anyone else.

    Dunham is extremely (and uniquely) talented, but I don’t think it was her attempt to be “the voice of this generation.” There isn’t a single significant person of color in her cast, which is not something that bothered me (as a person of color) because I’ve seen many such groups of “girls” in college and elsewhere that subconsciously only clump together with “girls” like them. It’s not unrealistic, but it lessens the scope and appeal of the show, but I don’t think that’s a problem for Dunham. She’s just writing what she knows, as we all should.

    The problem is that there isn’t too much in the way of smart and edgy programming out there for minority racial demographics–at least not anything that sees the light of day. And it’s not because the talent and potential isn’t out there. For example, there’s a popular web-series on Youtube called “Awkward Black Girl” that I would love to see adapted as a full-fledged program on HBO, but it doesn’t seem like the TV studios are ready for something like that just yet, which is a shame.

      1. Could you point to where she’s done this? As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve looked, and the only time she seems to have done it, was to have her character say it.

        Watching the episode it seems more like she’s taking the piss out of people who think like that, as she then has a panick attack, and passes out in her hotel room.

        And it was around a half finished novel

            1. Agreed.

              I would say that quote on the video is the one I was talking about. It”s from Girls, her character Hanah saying it to her parents, while begging for money.

              The Media doesn’t help when it quotes lines from a TV character as if it’s the writer

                1. I don’t doubt some of it will be based on her experiences, as a lot of creator led projects are. However Girl’s gets a lot of it’s humor by showing Hanah’s actions and beliefs as foolish, so I don’t think it’s a sounding board for Dunham’s view point.

                2. Hey Kimani.. Her character was on on OPIUM cooked up from poppies on a stove talking embarrassing crap to her parents while begging for money. It WAS NOT SERIOUS.

                  For the love of god look into the context before judging it.

                  I had the same initial reaction as that comment was my first exposure to the series and certainly didn’t make me want to watch it. When prevailed upon to actually watch the show I eventually saw it wasn’t as unbearably obnoxious as it seemed and she was being a deluded, drugged dick.

            2. The media has said similar things, in some form or another, about every artist, writer, or performer. The artists themselves aren’t responsible for that (for the most part). Lena Dunham certainly isn’t. As balemd points, her character, Hannah, calls herself the voice of a generation in a scene which mocks self-obsessed privileged types who actually do see themselves as that.

  9. woah woah woah, can we PLEASE stop quoting Leah Dunham as a voice of this generation?

    Her Character said it to guild her parents into subsidising her life style, in reguards to her half finished book , before she passed out in their hotel room. I’m going to guess she was taking the piss out of people who think like that.

    Even her passing out mess of a character realizes it’s stupid., and pulls it back with “Or, at least, a voice of a generation.”

    I love the show, but the add was annoying

    1. Ana said she thinks Lena Dunham is a spokesman for her generation. Dunham is 26. Ana thinks she speaks for 26 year olds.

        1. There’s nothing wrong with Ana feeling Girl’s speaks for her generation.

          However, a lot of the snark around the show seems to be taking this quote from her character and implying this is what Dunham believes. From the interviews I’ve read she doesn’t.

          1. You’re right. It was Dunham’s character that was saying the quote in question. And I think Anna meant that Dunham speaks for the girls/women of her generation, not the dudes. Jayar should have asked Anna to clarify before jumping in with the bitterness. I’m not a big fan of Dunham either, but that really turned me off.

    1. Yes, but not because I provided the link. I just wish the rest of the world understood how lucky they are that I’m on this planet. You, on the other hand, appear to be smarter than most others.

    1. The new TYT still keeps missing the simplest of things. Did they ever fix the android download issue or just decide to not bring it up anymore? I think the latter. It kills me when Cenk makes jokes about the quality of their website on the show. I’ve seen no improvements since mid August.

  10. Y’know, if I’d ever made a mistake before in my life, I’d probably be much more forgiving about this. But given that I’ve never in my life screwed up a web page despite the thousands of pages that I’ve done,…

    …Hey, nobody out there actually knows me, right?

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