
  1. I agree with Anna, and John, but don’t forget, allot of the raw materials to make ipods and I ipads come from war torn places in Africa, when not a single Fuck is being given.

  2. hXc – you are right – I amazed too that jon and ana compared their work to a factory using the `intern`catagory to just cover up child labor. Also, american and canadian companies use the `intern`designation for unpaid labor and they did not even address that the children at those factories may be unpaid labor as well. This isn`t done because apple will go bankrupt otherwise, it`s done so that they can make even more money on mediocre products.

  3. Also, Apple is makes their products over seas for cheap, but then they mark their prices higher than even their competitors! If you look at actual specs, their products are usually the same as regular competitors (even Microsoft) yet they charge twice the price. Then they become popular and everyone has to have an iPod or iPhone and upgrade every year. Apple is cleaning up on all these people.

  4. Baby Sitting isn’t an actual business or anything, so that doesn’t count!

    There are tons of newspaper delivers in the US who work when they’re really young. I was a newspaper boy for three years during elementary and middle school.

  5. My bad. 1991-2001 makes ELEVEN straight years that Emmitt Smith rushed for over 1000 yards. He’s the only running back in NFL history to rush for 1000 yards for 11 different years. He’s only 5′ 8″, but he was unstoppable.

  6. Emmitt Smith was “some kind of football player”?? Oh, Ana! You’re SO funny!! And Meryl Streep is “some kind of actress”. Walter Cronkite was “some kind of news person”. Emmitt Smith was only the greatest running back in NFL history! All-time record for rushing yards (18,355 yds – 2,000 more than his nearest competitor). Al-time record for rushing touchdowns (164). All-time record for number of games with over 100 yds rushing (78). NFL record for the number of consecutive years over 1000 yds rushing (10). Led the entire NFL in rushing 4 times, including 3 years in a row. Yes, Ana, he was “SOME KIND OF FOOTBALL PLAYER”!!! (As you may have guessed, I’m a BIG time Dallas Cowboys fan. And I still love you immensely!)

    1. Author

      Ana is just way out in left field when it comes to sports. She probably wouldn’t even get that reference!

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