TYT 10.12.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern4 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Steve Oh and Jimmy Dore hosting. Vice Presidential debate wrap up. Why is Libya playing such a big role? Conservative media is pushing the Libya agenda so mainstream media has to follow. CNN poll has Ryan winning the debate, and CBS poll has Biden winning. VIDEO of Joe Biden’s greatest hits from debate. Biden was much more combatative than Obama.

Segment 2
What did FoxNews say about the debate? VIDEO of Chris Wallace saying Joe Biden was contemptuous and disrespectful. “Loose talk.” Iran and nuclear weapons.

Segment 3
Citizens United. McCain called it the worst SCOTUS decision ever. Biggest SuperPAC contributors. Rundown of other terrible Supreme Court rulings. The European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize.


  1. Just a couple of notes of the peace prize. Was Obama sleeping the first months of his term as he supposedly got the peace prize after two months in office? They announce the winners in October!

    One can really argue about EU getting the prize but besides the wars on the Balkan (no nations in Balkan was in the Eu at that time) in the 90s I can’t remember any other war ever being fought. Eu basically started out as a union between France and Germany to trade coal and steel. So instead of having huge wars with each other (3 big ones between 1870-1945) they would get connected at an economic level and in the process give an incentive to work together. After the issues on Balkan was resolved with American action EU member nations have supplied military troops to keep things under control in the region.

    Living in the EU you may come across a huge bureaucratic organization passing a bit to much regulation from time to time but when it comes to preserving the peace of Europe one has to say that depending on how much you want to credit the EU for it that they have succeeded on that part.

    Oh and the reason Norway isn’t in the EU is that they just like Switzerland want to stay neutral as much as possible. And the Euro is not in all the countries. Some of the new member states don’t have it yet and countries like Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain chose to stay out of the currency union.

    Yet one final commentary about the EU is that the reason why Turkey isn’t a member yet is many, among them issues with freedom of speech, the Cyprus issue, issues with Kurds and many technical terms for how various businesses are alowed to operate.

  2. With regard to poor Republican women, the two straws left there are fundamentalist Christianity and education levels. They’re not self hating, just duped into voting against their interests.

  3. I hope the Obama administration is listening around the 29 minute mark: Jimmy’s suggestion is spot on. Connect Bush and Romney: they both are in favor of tax cuts. How well did that work in the last decade? Not at all!

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