
  1. Great post game. Cenk and Ben, very entertaining especially on the topic of warm nuts. I’ve never even flew on a plane, but from what I hear I really do not want to. As someone like me could only afford coach and I don’t do well with cramped quarters.

  2. Can I actually make a comment about the content?

    Cenk, so with you on the warm nuts.

    I’m so not usually 1st class but I upgraded at the counter this summer because I was hung over, bag too heavy, didn’t wan’t fuck around so I blew the money.

    When they brought the warm nuts, I was like…WTF is this about? OMG THEY WERE SO GOOD.

    I used to love traveling – even the airport part – internationally almost every summer – then 9/11 and the Euro happened and domestic airports totally suck now.

    I’m with Ben – it’s dehumanizing sometimes. (3rd world problem, I know.) I’m am barely 5’4″ and of average size and I swear I hurt something once because I had to squish in so far into myself just to avoid touching the huge guys on either side of me. I don’t want to touch these dudes! I was like enveloped in their hugeness as they tried to impress me with their NAPA auto parts store ownership.

  3. about the file names:
    if I download 2 days of videos (6 files) and move them to my video player, the order is:
    what is not the desired order.
    Could it be possible to make this change?
    pg-20121003 to tyt-20121003PG
    pg-20121004 to tyt-20121004PG

    love your shows

  4. One thing that could change is grouping the audio and video file on the same page. This all-or-none style means that the audio is not available until both files are available.

    If there was an audio download page with simple file links for, say, the last 7 days then the link for today’s file could go up without waiting for video and description writing. At the same time, put the audio files into the itunes feed.

    Just interested – is there much audio editing beyond cutting out the breaks and gluing it into one file?

  5. I still can’t download the 10/3 shows. That’s a technology issue? I can download this show and the 10/2 shows but I can’t download the 10/3 shows. Again, why is that a technology issue? Past experience is that it will be fixed in a day or two. I guess the technology has to “age”.

    I will say this again. Once it is posted, you can perform some quick tests or at least follow some checklists when you do post it. I know I’m getting old, but that’s how we did it in the old days.

    When I was young and writing code, I wanted to code by the seat of my pants too, but I learned the value of being disciplined.

    Sorry, as I watch TYT grow, blaming technology doesn’t ring true. It USED to work better. If you’ve chosen new technology that does not work as well, its hard to blame the technology – go back to the old technology. Whoever picked the new technology made a mistake. If you are over worked and don’t have time to test the posting, that is not a technology issue. It may not be your fault if you are not given enough time to do your job, but again not a technology issue.

    Kimani, I don’t know if it is your fault or not. But if you don’t have enough resources then Cenk or Steve need to get the message they need to invest in a larger staff. I’ve seen it in companies that I’ve worked for, the owners want the business to grow, but they don’t want to spend the money for it’s growth. Are you working for a bunch of Republicans down there?

    1. Author

      We definitely appreciate your input!

      It’s easy to write out simple solutions for complex issues, and since we are here to serve the public and our viewership, we are welcome to any ideas that may help the show.

      That said, I wish it was as simple as having an incompetent staff that doesn’t know what they are doing as you suggest, but that’s not the case.

      Thank you for being a member and watching the show!

  6. Kimani,

    Thank you so much for responding and giving us a little “inside baseball”. Posting HDV and mp3 recordings of internal meetings is part of my job, so I’m with you on the sometimes difficult situations. I’d be glad to help if you ever want to PM me. A typical meeting recording for me is 1280×720 – 120 min. It takes my 3 year old laptop about 30 min to turn it into a HQ m4v file. I would be glad to share my knowledge.

    A request: going forward can you post the mp3 files first, since they only take 3-5 min to create? I’m guessing this is what you guys do sometimes, since I’ve noticed the mp3 is available often within 30 min of the show ending (even if you haven’t posted the info on the web page yet).

    Anyway – thanks again. I guess I was just extra frustrated since I’ve been anticipating Cenk’s critique of that mystifying debate last night all day. :)


    1. Author

      No worries ab!

      The problem today actually stemmed from the software we use for file management (called FORK). It crashed in the middle of the first segment of the show and it left us scrambling. All is fine, but we had to record the first segment through a different format than normal. 1st hour video will be up in an hour or so.


  7. Where is hour one and two? Come on guys. This is not rocket science. I’m a sys admin, and this is EZ-PZ. Can you please have the decency to tell us why the shows have not been uploaded quickly the past two days? Many of us on the east cost pay to hear the show before we go to bed, and going to bed at 2-3am, or not getting the show at all is not at option (at least if you want to keep members).

    1. Author

      1) Thanks for watching the show and being a member!

      2) It usually takes an hour to a few hours for the recordings to transcode into the format we use for streaming. I, same as you, don’t like it, but that is the system we have in place and it works.

      3) Every once in a while, we have glitches or we make human errors. Despite our growing network, the team of professionals we use (our staff) is still very small. While we try our best to ensure the show is made available as soon as possible, our technology, at this point, does not make this process as easy or as efficient as a lot of our viewers seem to think.

      Anyway, thanks for bearing with us! I know waiting a few extra hours for the show after air is a pain, but I try to get it posted by 10 PM PDT every night. Tonight, we had multiple issues which led us to recording the show in a different manner than usual, so Hour 1 will be up by 12 AM PDT.

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