TYT 10.04.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern10 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk, Ben and John Iadarola hosting. Obama vs. Romney debate. Romney went left. Michael Moore’s theory that Obama went soft in reaction to the video of his “angry black man” speech from 2007 in New Orleans which Fox News has been pushing for the past week. Obama was too passive.

Segment 2
VIDEO of Obama criticizing Romney for lack of specifics. Another effective line from Obama on Romney’s change in tax plans. Big Bird cuts. Public Broadcasting is a tiny part of the budget, but Sheldon Adelson would save a lot more in tax cuts under the Romney plan. Jim Lehrer’s performance. Fact checking after the debate. Romney’s repetition of the false accusation that Obama cut $716 billion from Medicare.


  1. From what I understand, Romney arrived in Denver three days prior to the debate whereas, President Obama arrived just that day. The high altitude can have a huge physical impact on some people including, headaches and tiredness. Romney had three days to adjust, Obama not so much.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks Obama may have been listless was because it was his anniversary? Given the choice between concentrating on the debate with Romney or thinking about getting busy with Michelle, I know where my mind would be. Plus, it is possible (maybe even likely) that he had just “celebrated” his anniversary before the debate, and the man was exhausted. Just because he is the president, doesn’t mean he isn’t human.

    1. Perhaps I was too hasty, seems to be fixed now
      Thank you tyt, now time to hear some analysis of lackluster obama

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