TYT 09.26.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern6 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting. Family values Republican Horner from Florida was caught in a brother scandal. Cenk thinks that Obama will win the election. He’s behind in the polls in Florida and Obama. The 47% comment hurt him. A devastating anti-Romney ad. VIDEO of a very lame Romney campaign ad. VIDEO of Joe Scarborough saying Romney is awful. VIDEO of Sununu saying Obama is lazy. VIDEO of Gingrich making comments about Obama being lazy and playing basketball. VIDEO of Gingrich saying Hillary is serious but Obama is a false President. VIDEO #3 of Newt Gingrich. VIDEO of Sununu criticizing the State Department for its response and changing stories to the Libya consulate attack. Sununu says even George W. Bush took his daily briefings seriously, but Cenk points out the famous August 8th memo Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the US.

Segment 2
VIDEO of Dick Morris saying Romney is in a strong position. More Fox News people saying they don’t believe the polls. Pepper spray in the face victims to receive $30,000. What Would Jesus Do? VIDEO of Romney saying that sexually active boys are more depressed and suicide prone.

Segment 3
VIDEO of Tommy Thompson talking about eliminating medicare. Climate Change is leading to a shortage of bacon.


  1. I know its supposed to be a good thing that mitt romney is going to lose…. But this is really sad, romney was designed to lose from day one..

    4 more years of corporate lackey obama….

    Also, what news have we missed in the last 4 months of allmost 100% exclusively election coverage?

    USA, for the fail….

  2. milkman (yes cenk i’m going to remember that story for a while) i called the ellection several month ago, at the time people didn’t believe me… but now romney loosing but social security getting cut anyway doesn’t look unlikley at all.

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