09.12.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern6 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Ongoing story about the American Ambassador to Libya being murdered after a small budget movie disparaging Muslims angered many in Egypt and Libya. Videos of Obama and Hillary Clinton responding. Cenk thinks there are other factors behind this besides this silly movie. Mitt Romney immediately came out criticizing the embassy and Obama for “apologizing” for our free speech and angering Muslims after this attack. Videos of Romney doubling down on his false assertions after more information came out. Mitt Romney is now being criticized by many Conservatives for his actions. Video of Peggy Noonan voicing her concern with it.

Segment 2
Sarah Palin has come out in defense of Romney on the embassy attacks. Reince Priebus, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh joined her defense. Videos of Bill O’Reilly and Palin pushing for Romney to make more of a personal attack on Obama, using buzzwords like Socialist. Video of Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh claiming that the Party would end if Romney loses to Obama. In a pure case of projection, Rush came back today claiming that Liberals will throw THEIR candidate under the bus if he falls behind in the race. Limbaugh also claimed that Obama automatically sympathized with the attackers. The Admin is defending warrantless wiretapping and want to extend the law for themselves. A Federal judge has permanently struck down the law that indefinitely imprisons people that are suspected of helping foreign enemies without a trial.

Segment 3
Excerpts from the lame anti-Muslim movie that sparked all of the outrage. Background of the movie’s creators. The entire cast and crew of the movie say that they were duped.


  1. All i got to ask is after the Dick Joke that Sarah Pailn made does John McCain think about suicide for the 400th or the 500th time?

  2. I think its rich for Mitt Romney to criticize the actions of embassy staff on the ground when he’s safe at home. If i was in Egypt and shit was starting to blow up outside, i would try and calm the situation too.

  3. It seems Republicans have a real problem with shooting first and aiming later…..yes Dick Cheney….I’m looking at you.

  4. Is it possible the Romney camp heard about the news of the attack and saw the tweet before without being aware of the proper context? I never heard of this anti-muslim movie before tonight.

    It sounds like Romney’s stance is that it’s Obama’s state department that is responsible for the misunderstanding of this tweet’s context. If they were vague on purpose leaving out the movie context then yea they did screw him pretty hard.

    Dear Romney camp, I’m sorry you were unable to properly comprehend the situation. <3 BO

    1. It’s possible, yes, but if you were the one running his campaign, wouldn’t you want the full context BEFORE letting him open his mouth on camera? And then why would he not back down when he spoke the second time? With all the gaffes Romney’s already had, I would be EXTREMELY careful to get all the information possible before any press conference. Maybe I think too far ahead.

      1. I think you give them too much credit, just look at what happened when the news was announcing the health care ruling from the supreme court.

        It’s a race to say the first thing, so you can get the hits from Google and move up rankings. If you are wrong just double down and blame ‘liberal’ media for not correctly understanding you.

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