08.30.12 Hour 1

In [DEAD] Main Show, Membership by glmulhern12 Comments

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Hour 1
Segment 1–15:00
Cenk hosting from Current NYC. A powerful democratic assemblyman in NYC, Vito Lopez, is in some trouble for sexual harassment of 5 different women in his office. He would suggest that some would wear low cut blouses and no bras, along with mini skirts.

Segment 2–22:00
More from the RNC last night. Condi Rice’s boring speech talking about her failed position as National Security Advisor. Mike Huckabee’s shrill joke on Debbie Wasserman Schultz. John McCain spoke about how we should go into more wars. Sarah Palin’s disgruntled facebook post about how Fox cancelled her interviews last night. Ron Paul and his supporters continue to cause trouble at the convention. Ann Romney’s thoughts on Latinos and their biases toward Republicans.

Segment 3–30:00
Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech at the RNC last night. Although it was filled with lies, Cenk thinks it was an effective speech. The Obama campaign produced an ad that scours the Ryan speech for all of its lies that is already out. Video of Eric Fehrnstrom trying to defend Ryan’s misleading GM Plant statement. Video of Jeb Bush criticizing Obama for blaming others, remembering that his mother used to spank them for doing it. Ayatollah of Iran has come out totally against nuclear weapons. Obama took to Reddit to answer people’s questions in a forum. He surprisingly said that he is against Citizens United and is in favor of getting rid of the law.


  1. cenk you have to realize that its a moot point about fox news ratings vs other channels. Most liberals diversify their content ala your internet show current msnbc huffington post. but fox has all of their conservative viewers condensed into one channel to view so it appears more popular.

  2. I guess Pawlenty doesn’t consider being a Senator a job. There are a lot of unemployed career politicians in Washington then.

    1. Pawlenty is a moron — he was my governor and did nothing but pander to business, cut health care, and suck up to Grover Norquist the whole 8 years. He hasn’t had a non-political job for a very long time, so he has no business lying about Obama’s past…. I think he’s finished, politically, after his bizarre speech at the RNC.

      1. It’s telling in our political system that actions like Pawlenty’s usually don’t result in the end of their career but rather the strengthening of it.

  3. Tim Pawlenty seems kije he has some sort of organic brain damage..I’ve seen similar symptoms in organic solvent huffers.

  4. How does Eric Fehrnstrom think Obama should go about reopening the Janesville plant? By nationalising GM?

  5. Obama said he’s against Citizens United to get votes, Cenk. That’s it! I’m not even sure he holds a single, genuine, progressive idea.

    1. The correct answer would be affirmative. Not the first time either.

      I’m not sure what your point is since this is a viewer-supported online newscast the 7 words doctrine does not apply.

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